This book has powerfully served me in my journey. Here are some important points:
You can transform hell into heaven by doing your best, being impeccable with your word, not taking anything personal and not making assumptions.
It is always better to ask questions than to make an assumption because assumptions set us up for suffering.
Being impeccable with your word is the correct use of energy. It means to use your energy in the direction of love and truth.
If you don’t take anything personal, you can travel around the world with your hearth open and no one can hurt you.
The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves.
We are aware that we are at war, the war in our minds requires discipline. The discipline to be ourselves no matter what.
I really enjoyed this book because it reminds me that our business is our gift. Our business is our calling and purpose.
We come into this world with a specific personal destiny. Our job in this lifetime is NOT to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be but to find out who WE ALREADY ARE and become it.
The essence of the book is that in order to truly live out our creative lives as we were meant to live them, we must understand what “resistance” is.
Resistance is antagonist to every creative journey. Resistance is internal, we all create it inside of ourselves. The more important and true to our calling something is, the more resistance we will feel towards it.
Resistance will convince us to do idiotic things to avoid our calling. If we let resistance bully us around and distracts us creating a life, we will be angry, bitter and unfulfilled.
The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear then he can do his work.
The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. The professional knows that once he gets out into the action, his fear will recede and he will be okay⠀
Tribe of Mentors is a collection of interviews of some of today’s most influential people in the world. Here are some of the invaluable answers to the questions:
When you feel overwhelmed or unfocused, What do you do? (Top 3 Answers)
- Focusing on breath / Meditation
- Stop everything and take a walk alone
- Remembering that you and everyone will die⠀
What did you learn from failures?: ⠀
Annie Duke learned through poker to disconnect failure from outcomes. “Bad decisions can still lead to short-term success and good decisions to unexpected short-term failure. Every decision failure is an opportunity to learn and adjust my strategy going forward.”
Neil Strauss: “In the big picture of our lives, we really don’t know whether a particular success or failure is actually helping or hurting us. The metric I now use to judge my efforts and goals is: Did I do my best, given who I was and what I knew at that particular time? And what can I learn from the outcome to make it better next time?”⠀
What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made? (Top 3 Answers)⠀⠀
- Education and mentors
- Meditation
- Investing in others’ success
Some Important Thoughts:⠀
Debbie Millman: “Busy is a decision. I am too busy” is the most inauthentic excuse to rationalise why we won’t do something”
Scott Belsky: “Great opportunities never have ‘great opportunity’ in the subject line. If the potential upside were explicitly clear, the opportunity would have already been taken. Seize opportunities when they present themselves, not when they are convenient or obvious”
Esther Perel: “I seek out people to help me regain my focus, my confidence, and my clarity. When I get overwhelmed, I lose a sense of direction, and I need a human GPS to help me recalculate and my path”
Are you only doing what is required at work? ⠀
Do you only do what your boss tells you to do?⠀
Do you show any independent creativity in your company? ⠀
Do you live in a comfortable bubble?⠀
The world is becoming more competitive every day. It is the worst time to be “a cog in a machine”
One of my ALL-TIME favorite books, “LINCHPIN” suggests a different way:
Become a linchpin; ⠀
Become indispensable at a workplace.⠀
Who is Linchpin?
- Linchpin is unique and remarkable
- Linchpins are mature, connected and flexible.
- When things don’t go according to the plan, they don’t get stuck with the particular outcome.
- If someone can tell you how to do your job, you are not a linchpin
The most important role of a LINCHPIN is to create art.
In order to create art you have to open yourself up to failure, be open to the stress of becoming a better version of yourself.
Whether you are a parent, or clerk or teacher whatever you do, if you CHOOSE to be the BEST version of yourself, you are on the path to be a Linchpin!
You have to be an ARTIST of creating genuine passionate relationships in order to be indispensable!⠀
Your service will be a gift to the world.
- Deep Practice:
- Ignition:
- Master Coaching: