I want to get real with you; and share my story.I want to get real with you; and share my story.
My name is Tunch Diptas. I grew up in Istanbul; where the East meets the West, the gateway from Asia to Europe. I was always a dreamer… I always dreamed big of about all the possibilities. Yet I grew up very confused and emotionally challenged. I always felt insecure and not good enough when I was a kid. When I was 10, our family lost their business and my dad went bankrupt. Our way of life changed dramatically, and we went from middle class to near poverty overnight. I had to face the reality of having no money or social status we once had. Being compared to my successful friends, I was rejected and bullied at school. This left me numb and I thought that, “I will never be successful in life… Nobody would ever want to be my friend.”

My family could not handle the stress and my father became an abusive alcoholic. Eventually, my parents divorced. I remember asking myself, “Will I ever amount to anything in life?”

I worked my way through college and earned a degree in Economics. After graduating, I followed my passion and became a journalist. I interviewed and wrote articles about successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, motion picture actors and directors that were published in newspapers and magazines.
But I still had a deeper desire to understand the world around me. I was obsessed with the question of, “Why… Why am I here, what is my Purpose in life?”
I decided to come to the United States, even though I did not speak any English. I did not have any money and did not know anyone in America. I worked in restaurants, washing dishes, cleaning toilets in the morning hours. I am a firm believer of where there is a will, there is a way. I desperately had to improve my English to get a better paying job and open the door to greater opportunities.
I went to a library, coincidentally or not, the first Audiobook I picked was by Tony Robbins’s. I listened to his CD’s constantly while going from one job to another. I was fascinated by his understanding of the world and passion to help people.
Also, I was fortunate to meet other mentors and thought leaders along the way who helped me to understand my longing to the question of, “Why…?” This brought me to the conviction of, “Trusting the process.”
With my broken English, I took a big step and was hired as a teller in a bank. I started from the bottom, and in less than seven years, became a certified financial planner. Even though I was able to make a six-figure income, my success in corporate banking did not fulfill me. But I remained confident, motivated and at my best. I trusted the process;
I wanted to become more in life… The phrase “Seek and You Shall Find…” became my inspiration.
I decided that I needed to spend time paying my good fortunes forward and started by coaching soccer teams, even young star players. Many received awards and scholarships to colleges. I discovered once again, that nothing is more rewarding to me than helping other people become successful.
I wanted to expand my understanding of life’s wisdom, so I re-connected with my old mentor; Tony Robbins. I received certifications from his Mastery University, and I worked in his events as a leader. Besides, I have trained in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with Jon Kabat-Zinn. I have studied and been certified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) with Dr. Matt James.
I sometimes find it hard to believe that I could go from growing up disadvantaged in an economically and socially challenging environment, to making a six-figure income, fulfilling my dreams. I am so grateful where life has taken me and am blessed for all the challenges I had to overcome.
Now I am committed to impacting other people’s lives through the lessons I have learned. I am often asked to mentor, and counsel others through one-on-one coaching, assessments, and motivational videos. My life’s mission is to help people discover their Identity, Purpose, and Destiny.
You must understand; you were born for a reason and a purpose. The Universe, God, Creator, whatever you believe in, has a plan for you. In order to live your dreams, you must develop emotional fitness, physical vitality and unshakeable mental strength. Your responsibility is to find your Why, Trust the Process, and intentionally write your own Story. I am living proof that this can happen.
Let me share with you the tools and guidance to turn your life into a masterpiece.
Because you are a gift to this world.
I believe in you-
Live with purpose